Innovation In Technology

Relatech S.p.A., Digital Enabler Solution Know-how (DESK) Company has been active, for more than twenty years, in the field of Information Technology (IT) and has always been a protagonist of Innovation, including through major trends, as Cloud, IoT, Cybersecurity. But it is today, in a world revolutionized by generative Artificial Intelligence, that Relatech’s role is even more important. Relatech stands, in fact, as an expert and reliable guide for a conscious adoption of AI, in order to really support Clients in achieving their goals. Relatech helps create a new dimension, that of the Digital Renaissance, where human creativity meets artificial intelligence, and where humans are and remain at the center of any digital transformation strategy.

Relatech is the partner of choice for the sustainable Digital Evolution and Transformation of enterprises both nationally and internationally, since is able to rely on a comprehensive, modular, flexible End-to-End business offering to meet the needs of the market. Relatech offers the market highly innovative digital services and solutions ranging from Digital & Human Experience, Smart Industry, Business Service, Cybersecurity & IT services and more.

Euronext Growth Advisor


Audit Company

SDIR and Storage

For the transmission of Regulated Information, the Company uses as a ditribution system eMarket SDIR managed by Spafid Connect S.p.A., headquarters in Foro Buonaparte 10, Milan.

Financial Instrument

(ISIN IT0005433740)
Minimum trading lot:

Registered Capital and Shareholding (uptodate to 08/05/2024)

The share capital of Relatech S.p.A., equal to Euro 215,079.59 fully subscribed and paid, consists of 43,352,973 Shares, without nominal value.

Shareholder N. Shares % of share capital (approx.) N. Voting rights % Voting rights
Gemini BidCo Srl 23,080,469 53.24% 23,080,469 53.82%
Treasury Shares 466,914 1.08%   0.00%
Free Float 19,805,590 45.68% 19,805,590 46.18%
Total 43,352,973 100.00% 42,886,059 100.00%

Relatech Shares

Numbers of shares issued as of the admission date (06/26/2019) 1,887,900  
Admission date * 2.15 €  
Total number of shares as of the admission date (06/26/2019) 9,334,900  
Market capitalization as of the admission date (06/26/2019) 20,070,035 €  
Reuters Code RLT.MI  
Bloomberg Code RLT.IM  
ISIN IT0005433740  
Alphanumeric code RLT  
* Stock Split (3:1 shares from 01/25/2021)    

Disclosure Requirements of Significant Shareholders

Pursuant to AIM Italia Regulation, anyone who holds at least 5% of a category of financial instruments of Relatech S.p.A. he is a “Significant Shareholder”.

Shareholders have to communicate, whether they exceed increasing or decreasing, of participation of 5% of the Issuer’s share capital,

i.e. the achievement or exceeding of the 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 50%, 66.6%, and 90% of the Issuer’s share capital (“Significant Equity Investments”), or reductions below these thresholds, and a related suspension of voting rights on the Shares and financial instruments for which the communication was omitted in the event of failure to notify the Board of Directors of changes in Significant Participants.

To this end, within 4 trading days, starting from the day on which the transaction was made, that led to the Substantial Change, the Significant Shareholder must communicate to Relatech S.p.A:

  1. Identity of the Significant Shareholders involved;
  2. the date on which Relatech S.p.A. has been informed;
  3. the date on which the Substantial Change of the investments took place;
  4. the price, amount and category of Relatech S.p.A. financial instrument involved;
  5. Operation nature;
  6.  nature and extent of the participation of the Significant Shareholder in the transaction;
  7. if the press release concerns a financial product whose value, in whole or in part, is determined directly or indirectly, in relation to the price of Relatech financial instruments involved, detailed information on the nature of these exposures.

The communication must be made using the attached form, sent in advance via e-mail to and subsequently to