Core Business

The company’s focus is on the concrete application of scientific research results in certain areas of application, including:

New Technologies

Data management for commercial purposes

Through the provision of consultancy services and the development of innovative solutions.

Ithea has specialist skills in Digital Customer Analytics and Engagement, Big Data, Business Intelligence, Mobile, Social eCommerce.

Ithea & Relatech

Ithea S.r.l. is responsible for the Research and Development activities of the Relatech Group.



Data Analysis – Evolved Ux

Sector: Agrifood

Advanced traceability system for Food Wellness

Creation of a prototype system for the traceability of fresh milk and fruit and vegetable products over the entire production and distribution chain


ML-UX Evolved

Sector: Retail

Innovative e-commerce platform based on social CRM and recommendation systems to improve customer engagement satisfaction.

Catch 4.0

Blockchain – AI

Sector: Industry

Development of a PaaS platform on a distributed Cloud infrastructure, composed of micro services, flexible and configurable, able to adapt quickly to the different marketing needs and to the personalisation of experiences. 


AI / ML – Data Analytics

Sector: Health

Infrastructure enabling medical specialists to perform follow-ups on patients suffering from diseases of the vocal tract.

Economic Details Research Projects

Information pursuant to law no. 124/2017
In relation to the provisions of art. 1, paragraph 125-bis, of Law 124/2017, regarding the obligation to disclose in the supplementary note any sums of money received during the year by way of grants, subsidies, advantages, contributions or aid, in cash or nature, not of a general nature and devoid of consideration, remuneration or compensation of any kind, by public administrations and by the subjects referred to in paragraph 125-bis of the same article, the Company certifies that in the financial year ended 31 December 2021 it received the following operating grants for a total of € 412,163 of which

Euro 412.163 Project CATCH – Project Code: F / 190086/02 / X44 -CUP: B88I20000100005

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