
Relatech Group believes in and is committed to a sustainable future.

Our commitment to sustainability is inspired by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and finds its expression in the three pillars: Open Innovation, Human Value, and Strategic Ecosystem.

This important contribution has been signed in order to generate a shared intent and concrete commitment to guarantee a better present and future for our planet and the people who live on it.

The global agenda defines 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved by 2030, divided into 169 targets, which represent a compass to put Italy and the world on a sustainable path.

Bilancio ESG 2023_EN
ESG Report 2022_EN
ESG Report 2021_EN
ESG Report 2020_EN

Specifically, on the basis of the three ESG pillars identified in our Manifesto of Sustainability we have identified proactive intervention actions, aimed at achieving each SDG.

Manifesto of Sustainability_EN

Themes of materiality

  • Talent acquisition and retention
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Resource development and training
  • Non-discrimination and equal opportunities
  • Workers’ rights


  • Collaborate with the university world with a view to Talent Acquisition, contributing to the reduction of skill mismatch.
  • Enhance the career path of employees through specific training programs, such as ReCoach.
  • Promote the creation of a safe working environment for its own employees.

Themes of materiality

  • Skills development
  • Frontier Technology and innovation
  • Cyber Security
  • Data and privacy protection
  • Responsible marketing
  • Economic Performance


  • Pursue new R&D activities on topics with high innovative potential to respond to the current challenges of sustainable development.
  • Define innovative technologies and methodologies aimed at obtaining a better understanding of customer needs, also with a view to protecting sensitive data and information.
  • Pursue its own 3M growth strategy (Merge, Management, Margin) and further strengthen expertise and know-how thanks to newly acquired companies that have become part of the Relatech Group.

Themes of materiality

  • Partnership and Open Innovation
  • Responsible Governance
  • Business risk management and internal control system


  • Strengthen ecosystems and local districts that allow for business diversification and high added value synergies.
  • Create multiple strategic partnerships, investing in the most attractive sectors of the Italian market.
  • Create a system for monitoring and evaluating the Group’s performance in the ESG area.

Our Code of Ethics

We believe that the establishment of a shared Code of Ethics represents an institutional and operational foundation capable of standardising the behaviour of our collaborators, strengthening the relationship of trust with the entire universe of our interlocutors.

The Code of Ethics is addressed to all those who work permanently or temporarily for the Relatech Group, this responsibility becomes even more stringent in respect of our corporate board, called upon to develop processes, in proposing and implementing activities and actions necessary for the pursuit of objectives.


The Code of Ethics recalls the principles of conduct relevant to the Organisation, Management and Control Model (MOGC) pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01, which was adopted in 2020.

The adoption of the MOGC takes place in the belief that the choice and effective implementation of the Model will allow us to improve, within the limits set by the Model itself, its corporate governance, limiting the risk of commission of offences and the consequent effects in economic and reputational terms.

In this regard, we have also set up an internal system for reporting violations (Whistleblowing), in order to contribute to the emergence and prevention of risks and situations prejudicial to the company, in the interest of the Recipients of the Model.


Imparzialità, dignità e uguaglianza

Impartiality, dignity, and equality

Riservatezza, tutela delle informazioni e della privacy

Confidentiality, protection of information and privacy

Loyalty, fairness, and good faith

Tutela dell'ambiente, della sicurezza e della salute

Environmental, safety and health protection

Tutela del diritto d'autore e della proprietà intellettuale e industriale

Protection of copyright and intellectual and industrial property rights

Correttezza e Concorrenza leale

Fairness and Fair Competition

Rapporti con privati, pubblica amministrazione e istituzioni

Relations with individuals, public administration, and institutions

Trasparenza e veridicità delle informazioni, del bilancio e delle comunicazioni sociali

Transparency and truthfulness of information, financial statements, and corporate communications

Conflitti d'interesse

Conflicts of interest

Responsabilità verso la collettività

Responsibility towards the community

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