Core Business

It integrates and develops cutting-edge proprietary and Open Source technologies to meet the needs of every business and industry, drawing strategic information from academic and research findings.

OKT promotes and develops customised solutions to realise a technology transfer to companies interested in identifying and rapidly integrating advanced solutions to improve the competitiveness of their offerings.

OKT & Relatech

OKT is responsible at Relatech for a number of specific application areas:


monitoring and analysis of the network and its services with production of reports and solutions to mitigate the security problems encountered.


analysis of software for bugs and security problems.


analysis and reverse engineering of binary and byte code



Digital Identity and Service Accountability

Sector: biomass

Transforming available blockchain technologies (Ethereum), adding the concept of certain identity, to enhance accountability in supply chain scenarios.


Blockchain and digital identity

Sector: Public Administration

Protect the confidentiality of documentary assets that must be exchanged in networked organisational models (supply chains, districts, consortia, ats ….) by activating cooperation mechanisms that ensure full accountability and continuous monitoring of actions.

Secure Open Net

Blockchain Simulation

Sector: Smart, Secure and Inclusive Communities

The project intends to study new methodologies, techniques and software solutions based on Distributed Ledger to be applied to three relevant sectors in the area of Smart, Secure and Inclusive Communities:

  • Privacy, 
  • The Sharing Economy,
  • Digital Rights

Validated Question Answering

Blockchain AI

Sector: Industry

Human-in-the-loop process certification platform.

Objective: to automate tedious and repetitive tasks, so that the person can concentrate on the strategic coordination of the work project and on managing critical moments only.


CyberSecurity – Data Analytics

Implementation of honeypots: ‘trap’ computer systems that aim to emulate real services on the network to attract and identify malicious agents.

Hacking Range

Cyber simulation solution

Design of an innovative multi-role cyber simulation solution designed to support the modelling of IT/OT systems composed of virtual machines, containers and other technological equipment (e.g. routers, firewalls, etc.) and the execution of hyper-realistic cyber scenarios.

What is your innovation project?

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