Our group, our strength

A single partner who accompanies you in the digital innovation process


We have created an ecosystem of companies with shared vertical skills





We are able of building an innovation path that starts from the analysis of the need expressed by the customer, defining a solution proposal and at the same time an operational process to achieve the result

Corporate Structure

A story of innovation

Relatech S.p.A. is a Digital Enabler Solution Know-How (DESK) Company

Founded in 2001 and listed on Euronext Growth Milan (ex. AlM Italia) – Italian Stock Exchange since June 2019, we are present on the market with innovative digital services and solutions dedicated to the digital transformation of businesses

Relatech, your DESK for innovation

Your DESK for Innovation

Digital Technologies to

Enable your Innovation,

Solutions for a sustainable growth,

Know-How to drive your Success!

Innovate for us,
is growing up, the story of
our group proves it:

2001 – 2007


2008 – 2015


2016 – 2018


2019 – 2022


Open Innovation

We have always believed in the concept of OPEN INNOVATION:

Innovation starts from research. Research is a fundamental asset of Relatech: thanks to 3 university spin-offs within the Group and the partnership with various universities, robust solutions are created for the company. The objective is to transform research into digital innovation to create market solutions to support companies and their business model.

What is your innovative project?

Contact us