It has a high degree of specialisation and experience in ICT, designing and developing IT solutions for companies and public bodies.

The company has a significant internal R&D activity that collaborates with university departments and research centres to design and build highly innovative systems.

Core Business

The supervision and coordination of the different phases of an ICT project, from analysis to design, from realisation to implementation as well as consultancy, training and support.

The main areas of application are:


Industrial Automation

Bigdata analytics


Environmental Monitoring

Information Security

Voice Technologies

SIGLA & Relatech Group

SIGLA Group srl became part of the Relatech Group in 2021, becoming a “reference player” in the design and development of ICT and automation solutions and services for large national and foreign customers and public bodies.


Seagoss, Seapol

IoT – Data Analytics

Sector: Environment, Oceanography

Integrated observation and forecasting system to support the management of hydrocarbon pollution events and sediment transport.



Sector: Environment, Oceanography

Internet-of-Things (IoT) based system focused on providing marine services for safe navigation in coastal areas and marine protected areas and for observation of water status.


IoT – Artificial Intelligence

Sector: Smart Mobility

Objective: To rationalise travel and transport in the city of Genoa.

Implementation of a complex infrastructure, through the development of a solution based on the adoption of Artificial Intelligence, Data Analysis and Internet of Things tools and techniques.


IoT – Data Analytics Ottimizzazione

Sector: Energy

Development of innovative methods and tools for energy and environmental management and reduction of consumption in heterogeneous urban districts.



Sector: Mobility

Development, for the city of Helsinki, of the GetMyChargingPole mobile application for searching/locating EV (Electric Vehicle) charging infrastructure and interacting with it.


IoT – Cloud-Artificial Intelligence

Sector: Health

IoT and cloud-based platform for early detection of risks associated with frailty and cognitive disorders.


Artificial Intelligence

Sector: Health

An IT system designed to aid memory through ‘remembering to remember’. The aim is to encourage the individual’s social life by laying the foundations for monitoring the individual’s cognitive aspects.


IoT – Cloud

Sector: Health

Telematic platform for the network management of paediatric patients suffering from incurable diseases with high care complexity.


Cyber security

Sector: Mobility

Creation of a platform that allows the prevention of threats and the identification of attacks against a multimodal transport infrastructure, both urban and extra-urban; thanks to the use of the most advanced technologies available (Artificial Intelligence, Mobile, Cloud).


Machine Learning e Data Analitycs

Sector: Health

Creation of a training tool for operators specialised in the rehabilitation of visually impaired people, in particular in the field of “orientation and mobility”.

What is your innovation project?

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